woensdag 16 oktober 2024

Do we have the political will to deal with it?

In het boek van Yuval Noah Harari, Nexus (9781911717096) staat op bladzijde 301: 

"The new computer network will not necessarily be either bad or good. All we know for sure is that it will be alien and it will be fallible. We therefore need to build institutions that will be able to check not just familiar human weaknesses like greed and hatred but also radically alien errors. There is no technological solution to this problem. It is, rather, a political challenge. Do we have the political will to deal with it?"

Ik legde zijn vraag voor aan (en ja, ik weet van de innige relatie tussen Copilot en Chatgpt, maar dat betekent niet per se dat de respons gelijk is): 


Unfortunately, I cannot answer the question "Do we have the political will to deal with it?" directly. This is a complex question that requires real-world observation and analysis of political trends, global events, and societal attitudes. It's a question that's often debated among politicians, policymakers, and social scientists.

While I can provide information and insights on various aspects of the topic, such as the history of technological advancements, the potential impacts of new technologies, and the role of institutions in governance, I cannot offer a definitive answer to a question that hinges on human behavior, political dynamics, and global circumstances.

Would you like to discuss any specific aspects of the topic or explore related questions? For example, we could delve into the historical context of technological advancements, the potential risks and benefits of new computer networks, or the role of international cooperation in addressing global technological challenges.


The question of whether we have the political will to address the challenges posed by new and potentially fallible computer networks is indeed a complex one. It requires a collective effort from governments, institutions, and society as a whole.

Political will involves the determination of political leaders to pursue policies and actions that may be difficult or unpopular but are necessary for the greater good. In this context, it means creating robust frameworks and regulations to manage the risks and errors associated with advanced technologies.

To answer the question directly: It depends on our collective priorities and the pressure we place on our leaders to act responsibly. If there is enough awareness, advocacy, and demand for ethical and effective governance of technology, then it is possible to muster the political will needed to address these challenges. However, it requires continuous effort and vigilance from all stakeholders involved.

What are your thoughts on this? Do you think our current political climate is ready to tackle such challenges?


The last question, *"Do we have the political will to deal with it?"* points to a critical issue: whether society and its political institutions are prepared to manage the challenges that arise from new, complex technologies. The answer depends on several factors:

1. **Awareness and Understanding:** Political will often emerges from a shared recognition of a problem. While there is growing awareness about the risks and fallibility of emerging technologies like artificial intelligence, the depth of understanding among policymakers varies. Misunderstanding or underestimation of these challenges could lead to inaction or ineffective regulation.

2. **Public Pressure:** Political will is often influenced by the public. If citizens and advocacy groups demand action, it can motivate leaders to prioritize regulation and oversight. In many countries, public concern over privacy, misinformation, and job displacement has led to calls for stronger oversight of tech companies, but this pressure is not always sustained or focused on the most critical issues.

3. **Industry Influence:** The tech industry wields significant influence over policy through lobbying, funding, and expertise. Sometimes this can stymie regulatory efforts or lead to regulations that favor the industry. Balancing industry innovation with robust checks on its power is key to cultivating political will for meaningful oversight.

4. **Global Coordination:** Many technologies, especially networks like the internet and AI systems, transcend national boundaries. The political will to deal with these challenges requires not only national but also international cooperation, which can be difficult to achieve due to varying national interests.

In summary, while there are pockets of political will to tackle technological challenges, whether it is sufficient to fully address these issues remains uncertain. Effective regulation and oversight require sustained effort, informed leadership, and global collaboration, and these conditions aren't always present.

Conclusie: Google houdt zich op de vlakte, Microsoft/Openai gaan meer in op de gestelde vraag en beschrijft meer gedetailleerd op welke vlakken zich problemen voordoen.

BTW ChatGPT identificeert als enige tool de auteur van het citaat!

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